Integrated Care Solutions
Partners With HatchWorks to
Bring Complex Patient-Centered
Custom Platform to Life
In 2018, National HealthCare Team (NHT) saw an opportunity to create a new business—one that could provide flexible episode post-acute care management to improve patient outcomes such as reducing readmissions and length of stay in care facilities. As they built out the business model for the soon-to-launch Integrated Care Solutions (ICS), the NHT executive team determined that the new company’s services could be targeted to health systems and provider groups.
The business challenge was that, within a post-acute episode, a patient can move around from facility to facility—making it difficult to track patients and manage their care through each transition. At the time, there was nothing commercially available scale solutions that ICS could buy to effectively support their business, let alone the specific workflow that had to happen for them to be successful. Moreover, their main business was nursing care—not software—so they did not have the expertise in-house to create the type of solution they needed.
In this case study, learn how ICS partnered with HatchWorks to build a product based on ICS defined clinical workflows, Integrated Care Solutions successfully developed Care+. This highly functional, automated, integrated and customized tool assists ICS in providing population health patient care management and transition management, while also supporting programs such as Medicare BPCI Advanced.