How AWS Well-Architected Reviews Can Drive a Customer-First Culture

Is your cloud infrastructure Well-Architected—enabling your enterprise to achieve desired business and technical outcomes, all while optimizing costs? 

If that feels like a loaded question, or you’re not quite sure what “well-architected” even means, this is a perfect starting resource for you. 

An AWS Well-Architected Review is all about ensuring your cloud architecture (aka your Well-Architected Framework) is consistently reliable, secure, efficient and cost-effective. 

This guide explores the basics of a Well-Architected Review, including:

  • An overview of the AWS Well-Architected Framework
  • The value of a Well-Architected Review for creating business opportunity
  • Important considerations including right-sizing your resources, using reserved instances, and increasing elasticity
  • The significance of measurement, monitoring and improving on usage and spending
How AWS Well-Architected Reviews Can Drive a Customer-First Culture