With everyone scrambling to understand and incorporate AI into their business practices, what are the most important things to remember in order to utilize it successfully?  

In this episode of the Built Right podcast, we welcome Isar Meitis, CEO at Multiplai.ai for a fascinating deep dive into his four laws for success in the AI era. Isar sees the pre-implementation, during-implementation and post-implementation impact of AI in different businesses across varied industries. He has developed these laws from hands-on experience, and strongly emphasizes a need to change the way we think about implementing AI into our businesses.  

Isar talks about how we need to stop thinking about efficiency and start thinking about outcomes and he provides multiple examples of how this mentality will benefit businesses in the AI era. He explains why we’re about to view the biggest valuation change in the history of valuations, how AI is turning professions into skills and what that means for us as a human race going forward.  

Ready to dive deep into the AI revolution and its impact on business, ethics, and the future of work? Subscribe to our podcast and sign up for our newsletter for the latest insights and transformative stories from experts like Isar Meitis. 

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