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Integrated Care Solutions (ICS)

Validating a successful user experience to support MVP development

  • Product discovery
  • User flows and task definition
  • Prototyping
  • UX design
  • UI design
  • Software development
  • Application support


Product Strategist, UX / UI Designer, Solution Architect, Client Engagement Lead, Agile Software Development Team


HatchWorks partnered with Integrated Care Solutions (ICS), a startup created by National HealthCare Associates, to design and develop a flexible post-acute care management system.

The system that ICS envisioned sought to help their care management team with workflows targeted at improving patient outcomes. These outcomes related to readmissions and length of stay in care facilities. As such, the team needed a highly functional, automated, and customized solution that could adapt to unique workflows and varying customer contract needs.

The Challenge

Since ICS was a new startup with an evolving organization and care management approach, discovery and alignment was critical for the project team. As a first step, HatchWorks facilitated a workshop with ICS’s key stakeholders to both define user needs, and outline how specific features of the system could enable their team workflows to have a positive impact on patient results.

The care management system also needed to support several user types; from nurses who cared for patients on a daily basis and needed task prioritization, to nurse managers responsible for coordinating case workloads, to administrators who were monitoring outcomes that impacted financial contracts. This meant that many overlapping workflows had to be mapped and prioritized according to dependencies between the various user types.

The Process

Throughout the project, the HatchWorks team was engaged with ICS’s executives and stakeholders to continually evaluate business needs and incorporate feedback into iterations of the solution. As ICS hired more nursing staff, user interviews were conducted to gather usability feedback during ongoing product development.
With so many different user types, it was critical to validate that all UX workflows and UI interactions allowed for critical tasks to be completed. Several low-fidelity prototypes were iterated upon, and a high-fidelity prototype was eventually created to outline the core workflows of the solution which supported the development of a coded MVP.

The Outcome​

With the validated UX workflows and UI designs documented via clickable prototypes, ICS had a comprehensive view of their solution while software development of the MVP progressed. These prototypes served as both a business development tool to show prospective customers and investors, and a training tool for onboarding new nurses.
Average reduction in cost of care
0 %
Average reduction in length of stay
0 %
Reduction in readmission rates
0 %
Once the MVP solution was developed, and nurse teams migrated to using the new solution, ICS was able to document measurable outcomes for their patient populations. These included an 11% average reduction in cost of care, a 25% average reduction in skilled nursing facility length of stay (LOS), and a 10% reduction in readmission rates.

About Integrated Care Solutions

Integrated Care Solutions was created to be a technology-enabled care coordination and care management company that provides patient-centered clinical solutions, innovative IT applications, data analytics, and customized advisory services to those responsible for the quality and cost of care.